About Us

The site for white dove releases in the Central Wheatbelt region of Western Australia. We offer our birds for release at weddings, funerals, ceremonial or most special occasions and events.

Traditionally white doves represent love, peace and happiness and releasing them during your wedding ceremony or funeral service can be an effective and spectacular way to show your guests just how much this service means to you and demonstrates the love and commitment you have for each other.

Browse through our website, see photographs of our birds and display cages, get to know the birds and the services we offer.

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Pigeons as Pets

There are a large amount of different breeds of pigeons and they all make wonderful pets. There are birds like fantails who just look beautiful, others fly very high up and tumble down, some fly around the home and others love to fly long distances and race home.

All the different breeds can be part of Fancy Pigeon Shows which is another exciting part of raising pigeons. They have marvelous nature and will be the most rewarding pet you have.



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Our Birds

A large majority of professional white dove release business’s do not use doves but pure white pigeons for this work. The reason being that doves are easily lost if they go to far from home and must be rounded up and taken back.

We train specially bred pure white pigeons for the purpose, they are on strict nutritional diets and daily training which keeps them fit and healthy, just like little athletes. Pigeons have a wonderful sense of direction very strong instincts to fly to a happy home so after the release the pigeons are safe.

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